Resume About Work

Hi, I'm Gabe

I'm a recent information and communication design graduate.
I've completed an internship in product design at trivago and now I'm looking to get an entry-level or junior position in UX.



Hi, I'm Gabe


It's me!

This is me

I'm a product designer focused on creating a more inclusive, connected world.

What I love about Product Design is the discussion between multiple disciplines on how best to define, approach and determine success for a solution. I enjoy the abstract communication of trying to extract useful data points from user research. Interdisciplinary collaboration is also highly fulfilling, working together with a variety of skillsets and perspectives gives ample opportunity for learning and it increases the variables at play for each project. No day is ever the same.

That's something which I value highly in my personal life as well. Meeting new people, experiencing new things and cultures. During my time spent living in Germany I have had the pleasure to meet many people from all different kinds of backgrounds during my German integration course, degree and working at trivago. That has really inspired me to seek out new adventures and broaden my horizons. Healthcare
My first student working position was at where I worked on a variety of deliverables from print, to social media, to videos, and assisted with designing/developing their website via WordPress. I was the sole designer at the company and I learned a lot about working in a corporate environment. Such as managing deadlines, professional communication and prioritisation of tasks.

trivago, communication design
My experience at helped me secure another student position at trivago. My responsibilities in this role were very similar to my previous position. However, the standard of work for approval was considerably higher. Luckily, I joined a team of senior communication designers who were very supportive. I learned a lot about executing the craft while incorporating a design system and corporate guidelines. Plus, I learned a lot about collaborating with stakeholders and other designers.

trivago, product design internship
As part of my bachelor's degree I am required to do a mandatory internship. I took this as an opportunity to get into my preferred field, UX design, which is the reason I started my degree in the first place. During this internship I got the opportunity to work on UX research, prototyping, updating design systems and generally contribute to the product discovery & delivery through the Jobs to be Done and Continuous Discovery UX frameworks. A highlight of my time during the internship was getting one of my projects approved to go live on the website.

Key tools:
Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, UserZoom, Miro, Mural, HTML/CSS, Marvel, Keynote, Adobe Creative Suite, Jira

Key skills:
UX Research, Design Thinking, Communication, Competitive Analysis, Information Architecture, Wireframing, UX Design, UI Design, Interaction Design, Usability, A/B testing, Handoff

You'll find me to be empathetic, open-minded, culturally aware, and diligent. These qualities have assisted me not only in my user-centred designs. But, also in my experience working alongside diverse communities, from colleagues at trivago, fellow students in my bachelor's and my German integration course.

While I'm still very much at the outset of my product design career. I'm fully aware to have even made it this far, it's required the support and generosity of many people. At some point, I'd like to be in a position to give back through mentorship, workshops, or maybe even public speaking. But, for now I'm looking for positions which will give me the opportunity to develop myself through training and ample opportunity to try new things with the goal of mastering my craft.